Prof. Dr. Kristina Großmann
© Prof. Dr. Kristina Großmann
Kristina Großmann’s main research focus is on human-environmental relationships, sustainability, asymmetrical dependencies and categories of differentiation such as gender, ethnicity and religion in Southeast Asia with a focus on Indonesia.
- From 9/2020 Professor for Anthropology of Southeast Asia (with a focus on asymmetrical dependencies) at the University of Bonn
- 9/2017-8/2020 Project leader of the research project “FuturEN. Governance, Identities and Future along Categories of Differentiation. The Case of Coal Mining in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia” at the University of Passau (BMBF)
- 4/2013-8/2020 Assistant Professor (Akademische Rätin) at the Chair of Comparative Development and Cultural Studies with Focus Southeast Asia, University Passau, Germany
- 4/2013-10/2014 Early career researcher at the bilateral Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme with the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra and the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- 12/2009-12/2012 Research assistant for the research project “Cultural and Political Transformation in Aceh, Indonesia, after the Tsunami" (DFG) at the Department of Anthropology, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- 01/2010-03/2010 Research assistant at the Aceh Research Training Institute, University Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
- 2006-2009 Travel guide for Djoser, Reisen auf andere Art, in Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and India
- 12/2019 Habilitation with the thesis “Conflicting Ecologies and Categories of Differentiation in Southeast Asia and South Asia” at the University of Passau.
- 24/4/2013 Dissertation with the thesis “Handlungsräume muslimischer Aktivistinnen: Nach der Einführung der Syariat Islam und dem Tsunami in Aceh, Indonesien.“ (magna cum laude) in Anthropology at the Goethe University Frankfurt
- 2024-2027 c/oEnvironments. Conflictive human-environmental relationships, indigeneity and sustainability in Aceh and Kalimantan, Indonesia. Funded by the DFG.
- 2024 Recalibrating Zoonoses. Human-wildlife relations and participative mitigation strategies in Southeast Asia (WildZoonSEA). Funded by the University of Bonn (Bonn Global Collaboration Fund)
- 2024 Reconfiguring Power and Indigenous Politics in Post-Goldmining. Together with Frau Ajarani Mangkujati Djandam, funded by the University of Bonn (Argelander Scholarship).
- 2022-2024 Working Group „Alternative Sustainabilities. Between local contexts und global measures“. Funded by the DFG.
- 2021 Alternative Sustainabilities in Southeast Asia. Imaginaries and practices of sustainable human-environmental relationships. Together with Prof. Dr. Semiarto Aji Purwanto, funded by the University of Bonn (Bonn SDG fellowship).
- 2021 - 2024 SpEAking – Language skills as key in contemporary research: diverse, sustainable, international and digital. Funded by the University Bonn
- Since 8/2020 New Environmentalisms and Global Change in Southeast Asia, funded by the University of Bonn (Bonn Global Collaboration Fund)
- 2017 - 2020 FuturEN. Governance, Identities and Future along Categories of Differentiation. The Case of Coal Mining in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the program Kleine Fächer – große Potenziale
- Since 09/2015 Plurale Ökologien im Widerstreit: Ethnologische Perspektiven auf Südostasien. Member of the academic network (applicant: Prof. Dr. Guido Sprenger) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- 05/2017 OpenSOA? Partizipation, Transparenz, offene Daten und Soziale Medien in Südostasien. Workshop funded by the Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung Nordrhein-Westfalen in cooperation with the Forum International Wissenschaft (FIW), Bonn
- 2015/2016 Kalimantan Contested: In Search for Development (InDSearch). Environmental Transformations, Ethnicity and Gender in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Initiation of international collaboration, co-application together with Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan (University of Passau), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- 2007-2008 Kulturelle und Politische Transformationen in Aceh, Indonesien, nach dem Tsunami. Research assistant in the project (applicant: Prof. Dr. Susanne Schröter, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main), funded by the Germany Research Foundation (DFG)
- Karl-Heinz-Pollok-Gedächtnispreis des Neuburger Gesprächskreises Wissenschaft und Praxis an der Universität Passau e.V. for the Habilitation with the title Conflicting Ecologies and Categories of Differentiation in Southeast Asia and South Asia
- Human–Environment Relations and Politics in Indonesia. London: Routledge
- Gender, Islam, Aktivismus: Handlungsräume muslimischer Aktvistinnen nach dem Tsunami in Aceh, Indonesien. Berlin: regiospectra.
Edited volumes
- Duile, Timo; Großmann, Kristina; Haug, Michaela; Sprenger, Guido (Hrsg.) Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia: Hierarchies, Conflicts, and Coexistence. London & New York: Routledge
- Andriani Nangoy, Timo Duile, Kristina Großmann und Christoph Antweiler (Hrsg.) Übersetzung als kulturelle Begegnung. Eine Festschrift für Berthold Damshäuser. Berlin: Regiospectra
- Handbuch Indonesien. Together with Gunnar Stange and Rolf Jordan. Horlemann: Angermünde.
- Gewalt gegen Frauen in Südostasien und China. Rechtslage, Umgang, Lösungsansätze. Together with Genia Findeisen, Berlin: regiospectra.
- Herausforderungen für Indonesiens Demokratie - Bilanz und Perspektiven. Together with Genia Findeisen and Nicole Weydmann, Berlin: regiospectra.
Special Issues
- Frontiers and Temporality. Michaela Haug, Kristina Großmann, Timo Kaartinen in Paideuma (in print)
- Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia. Guido Sprenger, Kristina Großmann in SOJOURN 115 - Gender and Environmental Change. Großmann Kristina, Michaela Haug in Antropologia 216
- Gender, Ethnicity and Environmental Transformations, in Indonesia and Beyond. Großmann Kristina, Martina Padmanabhan, Afiff Suraya.
In: Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS), 317 - Herausgabe der Zeitschrift südostasien zum Thema OPENsoutheastASIA. Daten, Netzwerke, Zivilgesellschaft
Journal articles (peer-reviewed)
- Conflicting Notions of Land in Indonesia. In: Society & Natural Resources, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2023.2223540
Multi-layered reflexivity in participative research on mining in Indonesia: positionality, preconceptions and roles. In: Anthropology in Action, 29/3: 40–47, DOI:
- Mining and masculinity in Indonesia. Kristina Großmann und Alessandro Gullo. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology.
- Introduction: Frontier temporalities: exploring processes of frontierisation, defrontierisation and refrontierisation in Indonesia and Africa. Michaela Haug, Kristina Großmann und Timo Kaartinen. In: Paideuma 66: 171-182
- Corona in Indonesian and German cartoons: contested medical pluralism, distrust in the state and radicalization in times of crisis. Nicole Weydmann, Kristina Großmann. In: Philogie im Netz, PhiN-Beiheft 24/2020: 523-546; 519
- ‘We have been awake for years’: conflicting ecologies in an indigenous land management scheme in Indonesia. In: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, JRAI, 26 (4): 733-750
- “Dayak Wake Up” – Land, Indigeneity, and Conflicting Ecologies in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. In Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 175(1): 1–28
- Introduction: Plural ecologies in Southeast Asia. Guido Sprenger, Kristina Großmann in SOJOURN Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 33(2): ix–xxi
- Conflicting ecologies in a “failed” gaharu nursery program in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. In SOJOURN Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 33(2): 319-340
- Gender and environmental change: Recent debates and new perspectives in Anthropological research. Kristina Großmann and Michaela Haug in Antropologia, 5(1): 7-21
- Social media and the successful anti-mining campaign in Banka, Sulawesi, Indonesia. In Journal of Contemporary Asia, 48(5): 835-854
- Gaharu King – Family Queen: material gendered political ecology of the eaglewood boom in Kalimantan, Indonesia, in The Journal of Peasant Studies 44(6): 1275-1292
- Contested development in Indonesia: Rethinking ethnicity and gender in mining Großmann Kristina, Martina Padmanabhan, Braun von Katharina, in Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS) 10(1): 11-28
- Gender, ethnicity, and environmental transformations in Indonesia and beyond Großmann Kristina, Martina Padmanabhan, Afiff Suraya, in Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS) 10(1): 1-10
- Exclusions in inclusive programs: State-sponsored sustainable development initiatives amongst the Kurichya in Kerala, India. Suma T.R., Großmann Kristina, in Agriculture and Human Values. Journal of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society 34(4): 995–1006
- Muslim female activists and sharia in Indonesia: scopes of acting in national and international perspectives, in Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs (RIMA), 48/1: 95–125.
- Contested Unity in Diversity: Indonesia, in Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures. Muslim Women and Violent Political Protest. General Editor Suad Joseph. Brill Online.
Book Chapters
- Patronage Networks and the Hope for a Better Future: Coal Mining in Indonesia. In: The Political Economy of Extractivism. Global Perspectives on the Seduction of Rent. H. Warnecke-Berger and J. Ickler (eds.), 123-136. DOI: 10.4324/9781003303268-9
- Genderverhältnisse, in: Jan Brunner, Louisa Prause, Anna Dobelmann und Sarah Kirst (ed.) Land- und Rohstoffkonflikte. Ein kritisches Handbuch. Transcript-Verlag: 103-108
- Gewaltkonflikte in Südostasien. Sascha Helbardt und Kristina Großmann, in: Peter Feldbauer, Karl Husa und Rüdiger Korff (ed.) Südostasien. Gesellschaften, Räume und Entwicklung. Wien: New Academic Press: 55-69
- Religionen in Südostasien: Säkularisierung und Fundamentalismus. Religion als (nationale) Selbstvergewisserung. Dagmar Hellmann-Rajanayagam, Sascha Helbardt, Kristina Großmann und Holger Warnk, in: Peter Feldbauer, Karl Husa und Rüdiger Korff (ed.) Südostasien. Gesellschaften, Räume und Entwicklung. Wien: New Academic Press: 292-313
- Gender in Südostasien. Kristina Großmann, Dagmar Hellmann-Rajanayagam, in: Peter Feldbauer, Karl Husa und Rüdiger Korff (ed.) Südostasien. Gesellschaften, Räume und Entwicklung. New Academic Press: 314-329
- Scharia in Aceh: Building back better. Einführung, Auswirkungen und Handlungsräume muslimischer Frauenaktivistinnen, in: Watch Indonesia! (Hrsg.) Vom Wiederaufbau bis zur Einführung der Scharia - Friedenskonsolidierung in Aceh zehn Jahre nach dem Tsunami. Berlin: Regiospectra: 173-188.
- The (Ir)Relevance of Ethnicity among the Punan Murung and Bakumpai in Central Kalimantan, in: Arenz Cathrin, Michaela Haug, Stefan Seitz, Oliver Venz (ed.) Change and Continuity in Dayak Societies. Springer: 141-162.
- Women’s rights activists and the drafting process of the Islamic Criminal Law Code (Qanun Jinayat), in: Feener Michael, David Kloos, Annemarie Samuels (ed.), Islam and the limits of the state: Reconfigurations of practice, community and authority in contemporary Aceh. Leiden: Brill: 87-117.
- Gesellschaft in Indonesien: Kontinuität und Wandel In: Handbuch Indonesien. Stange Gunnar, Rolf Jordan, Kristina Großmann (Hrsg.). Angermünde: Horlemann: 111-131.
- Bergbau: Ein hoher Preis für ‚Entwicklung‘ Großmann Kristina, Novia Tirta Rahayu Tijaja In: Handbuch Indonesien. Stange Gunnar, Rolf Jordan, Kristina Großmann (Hrsg.). Angermünde: Horlemann: 379-385.
- Umkämpfte Gendernormen Findeisen Genia, Kristina Großmann, Mechthild von Vacano In: Handbuch Indonesien. Stange Gunnar, Rolf Jordan, Kristina Großmann (Hrsg.). Angermünde: Horlemann: 143-151.
Reports, Blog Contributions and Podcasts
- Essay on the movie “Mbah Jiwoh. Ancient Soul” for the Berlinale. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin in the section Forum
- Podcast about the Workshop in Kalimantan on contested coal mining. 721
- Healing in context - Traditional medicine has an important role to play in Indonesia’s fight against the coronavirus. Nicole Weydmann, Kristina Großmann, Novia Tirta Rahayu Tijaja, Maribeth Erb. Published on Focaal Blog September 8, 2020. - Singapore Nipped Things in the Bud. Germany Struggled with Delays. Kristina Großmann, Maribeth Erb, Nicole Weydmann, Novia Tirta Rahayu Tijaja, Published on boasblogs: Witnessing Corona (Medical Anthropology / Medizinethnologie, Curare: Journal of Medical Anthropology, Global South Studies Center Cologne und boasblogs).
- Research Note. Strategies for shaping change: Networks for gaining access, enhancing exchange and obtain status. Großmann Kristina, Alessandro Gullo, Pinarsita Juliana, Marko Mahin, Semiarto Aji Purwanto, and Meta Septalisa. Pacific Geographies 51: 12-15.
- Islam-inspired renewable energy. Kristina Großmann and Arahmaiani Feisal. In: Inside Indonesia. 1024 - Die meisten leben nicht im Paradies. Der gesellschaftliche Wandel in Indonesien Forum Weltkirche, 2/2018. Internationales Katholisches Missionswerk missio e.V. Verlag Herder GmbH. 1125 - Bericht über den Workshop: Central Kalimantan in the year 2030: Natural resources, social justice, and sustainable development. Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies 11(2): 231-233.
- 09/2021 Lab: Radicalization in the Anthropocene in Southeast Asia and Europe Together with Dr. Nicole Weydmann, Dr. Felix Girke und Prof. Dr. Wolfram Schaffar, DGSKA-Tagung 2021, University of Bremen
- 09/2021 Discussant at the panel: Future Making – Future Taking, convener: Dr. Michaela Haug and Felix Lussem, Third SIAC National Conference, Rome
- 02/2020 Organizer of the workshop: Murung Raya in the year 2030. Coal Mining, Social Justice and Sustainability (Murung Raya Menuju Tahun 2030. Pertambangan, Keadilan Sosial, dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan) in Purukcahu, Indonesia together with the Christian University Palangka Raya and the Universitas Indonesia
- 10/2019 Panel Social Negotiations along Frontiers: Dynamics, Limitations and Closures Together with Dr. Michaela Haug (University of Cologne) and Dr. Timo Duile (University of Bonn) at the Conference of the German Anthropological Association (GAA) at the University of Konstanz.
- 09/2019 Panel Future Making Along Southeast Asian Frontiers Together with Dr. Michaela Haug (University of Cologne) on the Conference of the European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) at the Humboldt University Berlin.
- 10/2018 Co-organizer of the workshop: Being Anthropologists in the Time of Disruption: Power, Weakness and Representation at the Goethe University Frankfurt, together with Dr. Ario Seto (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Dr. Dominik Müller (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle)
- 10/2018 Organizer of the workshop: Mining and Energy in Southeast Asia and Beyond. Juggling Future Needs and Sustainability at the University of Passau. In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Maribeth Erb (National University of Singapore) and Anna Fünfgeld (Leibniz-Institute for Global and Regional Studies, GIGA, Hamburg & Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg)
- 03/2018 Organizer of the workshop: Central Kalimantan in the year 2030. Natural Resources, Social Justice, and Sustainable Development (Kalimantan Tengah Menuju Tahun 2030. Sumber Daya Alam, Keadilan Sosial, dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan) in Palangkaraya, Indonesia, together with the Christian University Palangka Raya and the Universitas Indonesia
- 03/2018 Panel: Mining in Southeast Asia: Current Practices and Impacts on Local Communities. 7th Southeast Asian Studies Symposium, at the University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia. 05/2017 Co-organizer of the workshop: OpenSOA? Partizipation, Transparenz, offene Daten und Soziale Medien in Südostasien at the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft in Bonn
- 12/2016 Organizer of the workshop of the DFG-Netzwork Plurale Ökologien im Widerstreit: Ethnologische Perspektiven auf Südostasien with the title: Umwelt, Zukunft, Nachhaltigkeit. Perzeptionen, Konzepte und Umsetzungen at the University of Passau
- 11/2016 Co-organizer of the Weingartener-Asiengespräche 2016 along the topic: Asien im Fokus: Souveränität, Sicherheit, Nachhaltigkeit at the academy of the Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart
- 8/2016 Panel: Gender and Environmental Change. Taking stock and Looking into the Future. European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) at the University of Milano-Bicocca together with Dr. Michaela Haug
- 29/7/2016 Panel: Social and Economic Disparities in Post-Reformasi Indonesia: New or Persisting Inequalities? 6th International Symposium of Journal of Anthropology Indonesia, Department of Anthropology, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia Together with Dr. Suraya Afiff; Dr. Mia Siscawati and Dr. Michaela Haug
- 19/6/016 Organization of the Passauer Indonesien Tag at the University Passau
- 3/10/2015 Workshop: Veränderung der natürlichen Umwelt: Soziale Auswirkungen, Handlungsräume, Interaktionen (Workshop of the regional group on Southeast Asia of the DGV). Conference of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde e.V. (DGV) at the Philipps-University Marburg
- 17/7-18/7/2015 Participant of the author-workshop Change and Continuity in Dayak Societies. Organized by Cathrin Bullinger, Michaela Haug, Stefan Seitz and Oliver Venz of the Southeast Asian Studies program at the University Freiburg
- 13/8/2015 Discussant at the panel: Transforming the Environment – Transforming Gender Relations? Women, Men and Environmental Change in Southeast Asia, at the European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) conference at the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria. Together with Dr. Michaela Haug.
- 6/2015 Co-organizer of the workshop: Environmental Transformation, Ethnicity and Gender in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Together with Prof. Martina Padmanabhan at the University of Passau
- 2013-2015 Co-organizer of the poster exhibition, Freedom of the Press and Opinion in Southeast Asia, as the Head of the Board of the Southeast Asian Information Centre, Cologne
- 2011-2013 Co-organizer of the poster exhibition, Mega-Cities in Southeast Asia, as the Head of the Board of the Southeast Asian Information Centre Cologne, Germany
- Vortrag „Plurale Umwelten - Konflikte um Kontrolle und Konzeptionen von indigenem Land in Indonesien“ im Institutskolloquium Ethnologie an der Georg-August Universität Göttingen
- Key Note “Human-environmental relationships in Southeast Asia and beyond. Current research and teaching” at the International Conference on Humanities, Education, Law, and Social Science Studies, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
- Key Note “Gender and Environmental Change” at the 2nd ICOSSEI International Conference on Social Studies and Educational Issues in Malang, Social Studies Department, Faculty of Social Science Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
- 'Neo-extractivism’, patronage networks and the hope for a better future in Indonesia 22.2.2021 at the author’s workshop: Natural Resources, Extractivism, and Sustainable Development – Latin America in Global Context at the University of Kassel, Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CELA)
- What is land? Conflicting perceptions and control of indigenous land in Kalimantan, Indonesia 10.12.2020 at the Asia Research Institute (ARI), National University of Singapore together with Semiarto Aji Purwanto
- Conflicting Ecologies 14.11.2019 Presentation in the Passau Research Colloquium Southeast Asia, University of Passau. Hosted and invited by Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Korff.
- “We have been awaken for years”. Conflicting Ecologies in the Indigenous Land Management Scheme ‘Dayak-Wake-Up’ in Indonesia
18.12.2018. Presentation at the Institutskolloquium Ethnologie of the University of Heidelberg. Hosted and invited by Prof. Guido Sprenger - Future Workshops on Mining. Impacts and Categories of Differentiation
30.11.2018. Presentation at the Netzwerktreffen Plurale Ökologien im Widerstreit zum Thema Gendered Ecologies: Environmental Change, Resource Extraction and Social Inequality. Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne. Hosted and invited by von Dr. Michaela Haug und Dr. Timo Duile - Frontier Ecologies and Niches for Maneuver
25.10.2018. presentation at the Workshop Mining and Energy in Indonesia. Juggling Future Needs and Sustainability. Hosted and invited by Dr. Kristina Großmann, Prof. Maribeth Erb und Anna Fünfgeld. - Power, Roles and Impacts: Reflections on the initial phase of a participative research project in Indonesia
11.10.2018. Presentation at the Workshop Being Anthropologist in the Time of Disruption: Power, Weakness, and Representation at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Hosted and invited by von Dr. Ario Seto, Dr. Kristina Großmann und Dr. Dominik Müller - Central Kalimantan in the Year 2030. (Conflicting) Future Visions of Natural Resource Extraction and Reflections on Participative Research
4.7.2018. Presentation at the Passau Research Colloquium on Southeast Asia, University Passau. Together with Alessandro Gullo. Presented and invited by Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Korff, University of Passau. - Geister, Grenzen und Gefährten. (Un-)Sichtbarkeit innerhalb von Mensch/Nicht-Mensch-Beziehungen in Zentralkalimantan, Indonesien
23.6.2018. Presentation at the interim meeting of the regional group on Southeast Asia of The German Anthropological Association (DGSKA), Institute for Ethnology, University of Heidelberg. - Gender and Environmental Conflicts: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Evidences from Kalimantan, Indonesia
9.2.2018. Presentation at the International Symposium Global Crises and Conflicts over Resources, Freie University Berlin. Invited by Dr. Kristina Dietz and Prof. Dr. Bettina Engels - Sharia in Aceh: Muslim Women’s Rights Activists and the Introduction of the Islamic Criminal Law Code in Aceh, Indonesia
13.1.2018. Presentation at the conference: Islam in Post-Reformasi Indonesia: The End of Tolerance? University of Bonn. Invited by Dr. Timo Duile und Dr. Julia Lindner
- “Dayak – Wake up”. Land, Adat and Conflicting Ecologies in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia? 9.11.2017. Presentation at the network meeting Plurale Ökologien im Widerstreit on the topic: The Transformation of Space in Plural Ecologies, Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt-University Berlin. Hosted and invited by PD Dr. Gertrud Hüwelmeier
- How it Could Be – Conflicting Ontologies in a Failed Eaglewood (Gaharu) Nursery Program in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia 6.7.2017. Presentation at the network meeting Plurale Ökologien im Widerstreit on the topic: Divergent Resource Claims in Plural Ecologies. Case Studies from Southeast Asia, University of Konstanz. Conducted and invited by Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer und Prof. Dr. Birgit Bräuchler.
- Muslim Women’s Rights Activists and the Introduction of the Islamic Criminal Law Code (Qanun Jinayat) in Aceh, Indonesia 12.6.2017. Presentation at the Max Plack Institute for ethnological research in Halle. Invited by Dr. Dominik Müller.
- Contesting Marginalization in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia 6.5.2017. Presentation at the workshop: Minorities in comparative perspective: Europe and Asia, University of Passau. Conducted and invited by Prof. Rüdiger Korff
- FuturEn, ‚frictions‘ und Ökologien in Zentralkalimantan und Nordsulawesi, Indonesien
2.12.2016. Presentation at the network meeting Plurale Ökologien im Widerstreit on the topic: Umwelt, Zukunft, Nachhaltigkeit. Perzeptionen, Konzepte und Umsetzungen, University of Passau. Conducted by Dr. Kristina Großmann and invited by Prof. Dr. Guido Sprenger. - REDD+ in Indonesien: nachhaltige Entwicklung, umkämpfte Territorialität und kreative Missverständnisse
18.11.2016: Presentation at the Weingartener-Asiengespräche 2016 on the topic: Asien im Fokus: Souveränität, Sicherheit, Nachhaltigkeit at the Academy of the Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart. - „Die Wirkung des Gesamten ist größer als die Wirkung der Summe der Einzelteile“. Wissen und Soziale Medien innerhalb der Anti-Bergbau Kampagne in Banka, Sulawesi, Indonesien
11.6.2016. Presentation at the network meeting Plurale Ökologien im Widerstreit on the topic: Wissen und Nicht-Wissen: Wissens-Prozesse im Zuge staatlicher Interventionen, University Heidelberg. Conducted and invited by Prof. Dr. Guido Sprenger, Dr. Katharina Schneider and Dr. Susanne Rodemeier. - The Gaharu Boom: Environmental Transformations and Gender in Kalimantan, Indonesia
13.1.2016. Presentation at the Passau Research Colloquium Southeast Asia, University of Passau. Conducted and invited by Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Korff, University of Passau.
- The (Ir)Relevance of Ethnicity
17.7.2015. Presentation at the author-workshop: Change and Continuity in Dayak Societies. Conducted and invited by Dr. Cathrin Bullinger, Dr. Michaela Haug, Prof. Dr. Stefan Seitz and Dr. Oliver Venz of the Southeast Asian Studies Program at the University Freiburg. - Power and Imagination: Strategic Essentialism and Social Practice regarding Ethnicity in Natural Resource Use (Central Kalimantan)
12.6.2015. Presentation at the workshop: Environmental Transformation, Ethnicity and Gender in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Conducted and invited by Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan and Dr. Kristina Großmann, University of Passau. - Kalimantan Contested: In Search for Development. Environmental Transformations, Ethnicity and Gender in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
14.1.2015. Presentation at the Passau Research Colloquium Southeast Asia, University of Passau. Invited by Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Korff, University of Passau.
- Sharia in Aceh, Indonesia. Norm and praxis in local, national and international dimensions
8.8.2014. Presentation at the Fourth Global International Studies Conference 2014. Session: The Politics of Islamic Legal Reform in Southeast Asia: Norm, Practice, Implementation. Conducted and invited by Gunnar Stange und Katja Rieck (both Goethe University Frankfurt am Main). - Socio-ecological transformations, dynamic sustainability, (inter-)actions and gender in Kalimantan, Indonesia
28.5.2014. Presentation at the Passau Research Colloquium Southeast Asia, University of Passau, together with Andrea Höing. Co-conducted and invited by Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Korff, University Passau.
- Totalizing Visions of the Shari’a in Everyday Life. Enforcement, re/production and transgression of the Islamic dress code for women in Aceh, Indonesia
15.12.2013. Presentation at the International Conference: Islamism versus Post-Islamism? Mapping topographies of Islamic political and cultural practices and discourses. Conducted and invited by Prof. Dr. Susanne Schröter (Institute of Anthropology, Cluster of Excellence “Formation of normative orders“, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main). - Scopes of acting of Muslim women’s rights activists in the implementation of Islamic Criminal Law in Aceh, Indonesia
14.11.2013. Round-table discussion: Indonesian transitions, public religion and women’s rights. Monash Centre of Southeast Asian Studies/Monash Asia Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Conducted and invited by Dr. Julian Millie (Department of Anthropology, Monash University, Melbourne). - Islamic Criminal Law in Aceh, Indonesia. Norm and praxis in local, national and international dimensions
13.11.2013. Presentation at the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society CILIS, The University of Melbourne, Australia. Conducted and invited by Prof. Tim Lindsey and Dr. Helen Pausacker (both of the University of Melbourne). - Challenges to national identity but not to the nation-state – the case of Aceh, Indonesia
4.11.2013. Presentation at the workshop: Dangerous Ideas. Citizenship, sovereignty and sub-national identities in Indonesia and beyond. Southeast Asia Institute, College of Asia and the Pacific (CAP), The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Conducted and invited by Prof. Dr. Kathryn Robinson (Australian National University) and Dr. Birgit Bräuchler (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main). - Muslim women activists in the implementation of the Islamic Criminal Code in Aceh, Indonesia
26.10.2013. Presentation at the international conference: Muslim women’s Challenges in the Middle East and Beyond. University of Oslo. Conducted and invited by Dr. Lena Larsen, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights. - Islam, Scharia, Menschenrechte in Indonesien
11.7.2013. Presentation at the Research Group Asia, University of Trier. Invited by Dr. Patrick Ziegenhain. - Gender, Islam, Activism. Scopes of acting of Muslim female activists in the drafting process of Islamic Criminal Law in Indonesia
19.6.2013. Presentation at the Passau Research Colloquium Southeast Asia, University Passau. Co-conducted and invited by Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Korff, University of Passau.
- Women as political agents of peace - learning from the Aceh experience
20.11.2012. Presentation at the Forum Civil Peace Service (forum ZFD) and Mindanao People’s Caucus. Davao, Philippines. - Frauenrechte, Islam und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Aceh: Die Charta der Rechte der Frau
3.6.2012. 40. Presentation at the Sarasehan. Conducted and invited by the embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Berlin. - Doing research on gender, (young) Muslim women (and men) and Muslim women’s movement(s) in South and Southeast Asia
20.4.2012. Presentation at the Young Researchers’ Roundtable. International conference: New Mobilities and Evolving Identities. Humbold-University, Berlin. Co-conducted and invited by Prof. Dr. Nadja-Christina Schneider and Prof. Dr. Susanne Schröter.
- Reintegration und Handlungsrahmen von ehemaligen Inong Balee innerhalb des Wiederaufbau- und Friedensprozesses in Post-Konflikt Aceh, Indonesien
12.12.2011. Presentation at the seminar: Friedensethnologie – Perspektiven und Ansätze aus Theorie und Praxis at the Institute for ethnology, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. Conducted and invited by Dr. Birgit Bräuchler. - Syariat Islam in Aceh, Indonesien. Handlungsräume von Aktivistinnen innerhalb des Kodifizierungsprozesses Islamischen Strafrechts (Qanun Jinayat)
8.11.2011. Presentation at the Colloquium of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne. Co-conducted and invited by Prof. Dr. Martin Rössler. - Reconfiguring Aceh's substantive Syariat Islam: activists and state actors in the drafting process of the Qanun Jinayat
12.9.2011. Presentation at the seminar: Islam in Contemporary Aceh: Reconfigurations of Ritual, Doctrine, Community and Authority. Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (LUCIS). Leiden University, Netherlands. Co-conducted and invited by Prof. Dr. Michael Feener.
- Collaborative research in the Global South: De-colonizing expectations and disciplines. Presentation at the workshop “How to Practically Co-Laborate? Opportunities and Obstacles of Collaborative Research within academia.” by Michaela Meurer, Universität Marburg and Dr. Kathrin Eitel, Universität Zürich at the DGSKA conference
- “Green Islam”. Islam and Environmentalism in Indonesia and Beyond
4.10.2018. Presentation in the panel The Effect of Environmental Disasters on the Human - Nature Relationship, 25th International Congress of the German Association of the Middle East (DAVO) within the framework of the Conference "Politics, Religion and Society in the Middle East" of the Frankfurt Research Center Global Islam (FFGI), Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. Panel hosts: Dr. Sophie Roche, Ruprecht Karls University of Heidelberg, Karl Jaspers Centre - Symbolic Maps. Land, Space, and Conflicting Ecologies in an Indigenous Forest Management Scheme in Indonesia
20.6.2018. Presentation at the panel Making Claims, Making Maps: the Politics of Mapping in Environmental Planning and Governance at the conference POLLEN, Political Ecology Network, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norwegen. Panel hosts: Dr. Synne Movik and Prof. Tim Richardson (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) - Futuring: Conflicting Visions of Mining in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
27.4.2018. Presentation at the meeting of the Section Sociology of Development / Social Anthropology (ESSA) of the German Sociological Association (DGS), University Bayreuth. - Futures: Conflicting Future-Visions of Mining in Indonesia
23.3.2018. Presentation at the panel Mining in Southeast Asia: Current Practices and Impacts on Local Communities auf dem 7th Southeast Asian Studies Symposium, University of Indonesia.
- “Dayak - Wake Up”. Formalising ‘indigenous’ land use schemes for enhancing autonomy in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia?
16.8.2017. Presentation at the panel Disenchantment and Re-enchantment of Social and Natural Landscapes in the Southeast Asian Hinterlands auf der European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) Konferenz, University of Oxford. Panel hosts: Dr. Anu Lounela and Prof. Kenneth Sillander (University of Helsinki). - Political Ontologies and Eaglewood (gaharu) in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
9.2.2017. Presentation at the conference Contradiction Studies: Mapping the Field of the University of Bremen
- The gaharu boom: gender relations, reproduction and environmental transformations in Kalimantan, Indonesia 27.5.2016. Presentation at the panel Reproducing the Environment: Climate Change, Gender, and Future Generations along the conference Anthropology, Weather and Climate Change des Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) at the British Museum in London.
- Visions and strategies for future “sustainable” development in mining in Kalimantan, Indonesia
2.10.2015. Presentation at the workshop Veränderung der natürlichen Umwelt. Soziale Auswirkungen, Handlungsräume, Interaktionen of Kristina Großmann and the regional group on Southeast Asia oat the conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde e.V. (DGV) at the University Marburg. Gaharu King – Family Queen? - The Gaharu Boom: Gender Symmetries and new Evolving Masculinities in Kalimantan, Indonesia
13.8.2015. Presentation at the panel Transforming the environment – transforming gender relations? Women, men and environmental change in Southeast Asia, along the European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) conference of the University of Vienna and the Austria Academy of Science in Vienna. Panel host: Dr. Michaela Haug (University of Cologne). - Between Conservation and Development. Local perceptions from the upper part of the Barito River: A case study
12.8.2015. Presentation at the panel Rivers of Borneo together with Andrea Höing along the European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) conference of the University of Vienna and the Austria Academy of Science in Vienn. Panel host: Dr. Oliver Pye (University of Bonn).
- ‚Social Engineering‘ in Aceh, Indonesien. Tsunami, Konflikt, Scharia
4.12.2014. Presentation at the event: Tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia. Conducted by the student association Projekt Südostasien (PSOA). University Passau.
- Sharia in Aceh, Indonesia. Norm and praxis
7.11.2013. Australian Anthropology Society Annual Conference, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australien. Panel: Challenges to national identity from alternative imaginings of belonging. Conducted by Prof. Kathryn Robinson (Australian National University) and Dr. Birgit Bräuchler (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main). - Muslim female activists as new actors in the implementation of the Islamic Criminal Law in Aceh, Indonesia: Scopes of acting in local and translocal perspectives
5.7.2013. International Conference of the European Association for South East Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) 2013. Panel: Da’wah in Southeast Asia. Conducted by Prof. Monika Arnez (University Hamburg) and Dr. Johan H. Meuleman (Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands). School of Social and Political Sciences of the Technical University of Lisboa, Portugal.
- Gender und Islam in Acehs Transformationsprozess. Persönliche Dimensionen und Aspekte von Subjektivitäten innerhalb der Handlungskoordination von Aktivistinnen.
12.11.2011. Annual conference of the Doctoral Student network Indonesia. University of Hamburg. - Culture as leverage in negotiating women’s roles in Islamic Aceh
15.9.2011. Meeting of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV). Panel: Negotiating Islam: Between culture and religion. Conducted by Dr. Katja Rieck (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main) and Dr. Dominik Müller (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main). University of Vienna, Austria. - Engineering the future Syariat Islam in Aceh, Indonesia
25.5.2011. Third international conference of Aceh and Indian Ocean studies (ICAIOS): New Beginnings – Transformations in Post Disaster and Post Conflict Regions. University Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.