Dr. Nicole Weydmann

© Dr. Nicole Weydmann
- Since 9/2020 Research fellow at the research project “Radicalization in the field of medicine in Southeast Asia and Germany” at the Department of Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Bonn
- 5 /2020 – 8 /2020 Postdoctoral Researcher at the research project “Radikal ökologisch – radikal gesund? Radikalisierung im Umwelt- und Medizinbereich. Epistemologien, Narrative und Implementierungen in Indonesien und Deutschland” at the Chair of Comparative Development and Cultural Studies - Southeast Asia at the University of Passau
- 11/2019 – 4 /2020 Early Career Researcher at the research project “Sensory processing sensitivity in children – support in families and learning institutions“ at the Department of Psychology & Methods at Jacobs University Bremen.
- 6/2019 - 12/2019 Freelance Researcher wit Focus on Qualitative Research Methodologies
- 9/2009 -1/2019 Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Margrit Schreier at the Department of Psychology & Methods at Jacobs University Bremen.
- 07/2013 – 06/2014 Research Assistant to the Equal Opportunity Committee at Jacobs University Bremen
- 09/2010 – 05/2011 Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Cultural Science at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
- 28/8/2019 PhD in Psychology with the thesis “Healing Is Not Just Dealing With Your Body - A Reflexive Grounded Theoy Study Exploring Women‘s Concepts and Approaches Underlying the Use of Traditional and Complementary Medicine in Indonesia.” at Jacobs University Bremen.
- 9/2007 Diploma in Social pedagogy (Master equivalent) at the University of Bremen. Thesis: “Die Auswirkungen der Implementierung des TRIPS – Abkommens auf die traditionelle Jamu-Heilkunde in Indonesien und der Gestaltungsraum für mögliche Schutzmechanismen”. Major field of study: Social Politics and Development Studies. at the University of Bremen
- 1996 Abitur at the Ernährungswissenschaftliches Gymnasium, Schwäbisch Hall.
Dr. Nicole Weydmann has been working and researching in the field of healthcare, traditional medicine and the wider systems of social security in Southeast Asia with a focus on Indonesia since 1999.
- Since 2019 Research in Indonesia and Germany on “Radicalization in the field of medicine in Southeast Asia and Germany” (University of Passau – Forschungspool, University of Bonn)
- 2015 Research on medical experts in the wider field of healthcare in Yogyakarta (Indonesia) – Grounded Theory Study about multiple perspective about the informal collaborations between medical experts of different medical traditions (Jacobs University).
- 2010 – 2011 Research about concepts and approaches underlying the use of traditional medicine in the urban context of Yogyakarta (Jacobs University, Gadjah Mada University).
- 2007 Practical Training at the NGO Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Visnapur, India
- 2006 Research on legal frameworks for traditional medicine in Indonesia
- 2004 Hositation at Navdanya Office – Delhi, Vandana Shiva, New Delhi, India
- 1999 -2000 Practical Training at the NGO LESSAN (Lembaga Studi Kesehatan), Institute for Alternative Healthstudies, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- 2019 ‘Healing is not just dealing with your body‘ – A Reflexive Grounded Theory Study Exploring Women’s Concepts and Approaches Underlying the Use of Traditional and Complementary Medicine in Indonesia. Berlin: regiospectra.
Edited volumes
- 2010 Herausforderungen für Indonesiens Demokratie - Bilanz und Perspektiven Together with Genia Findeisen and Kristina Großmann. Berlin: regiospectra.
Book Chapters
- 2015 „Falls meine Kleine weint, muss ich mal kurz weg“. Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen einer Online-Arbeitsgruppe mit Grounded-Theory-Projekten. Albrecht-Ross, B.; Leitner, S.; Putz-Erath, L.; Rego, K.; Rohde,K; Weydmann, N. In: Claudia Equit & Christoph Hohage (Hrsg.) Handbuch Grounded Theory. Weinheim: Beltz Verlag
- 2015 Traditionelle Medizin – Ein Boomsektor. In: Stange, G.; Jordan, R.; Grossmann, K. (Hrsg.) Handbuch Indonesien. Angermünde: Horlemann.
Journal articles (peer-reviewed)
- 2020 Corona in Indonesian and German Cartoons: Contested Medical Pluralism, Distrust in the State and Radicalization in Times of Crisis. Nicole Weydmann & Kristina Großmann. In: Philologie im Netz, PhiN (in print).
- 2020 The Recovery of Healthcare: Paving the Way for Interweaving multiple healthcare competences. In: Visions for Sustainability (in print).
- 2011 Traditionelle Medizin als Schlüssel für Gesundheit und Selbstbestimmung – Portrait der Grass-Root Organisation LESSAN. In: Impulse - Zeitschrift für Gesundheit und Sozialmedizin, 71:27.
- 2011 Herbal goes Trendy –Traditionelle indonesische Heilmethoden sind in allen Bevölkerungsschichten beliebt. In: Impulse - Zeitschrift für Gesundheit und Sozialmedizin , 71:11-12.
Scientific Blog contributions (peer-reviewed)
- 2020 Healing in context - Traditional medicine has an important role to play in Indonesia’s fight against the coronavirus. Nicole Weydmann, Kristina Großmann, Novia Tirta Rahayu Tijaja, Maribeth Erb. Published on Focaal Blog September 8, 2020.
Available from: https://www.focaalblog.com/category/blog/14 - 2020 Singapore Nipped Things in the Bud. Germany Struggled with Delays. Kristina Großmann, Maribeth Erb, Nicole Weydmann, Novia Tirta Rahayu Tijaja. Published on boasblogs: Witnessing Corona (Medical Anthropology / Medizinethnologie, Curare: Journal of Medical Anthropology, Global South Studies Center Cologne und boasblogs).
Available from: https://www.medizinethnologie.net/singapore-germany/15
Diploma Thesis
- 2008 Wird Indonesiens Erbe der Menschheit verkauft? Die Auswirkungen der Implementierung des TRIPS-Abkommens auf die traditionelle Jamu-Heilkräuterkunde in Indonesien und der Gestaltungsraum für mögliche Schutzmechanismen. Online Materialien aus dem Asienhaus 7.
Available from: https://www.asienhaus.de/public/archiv/ah-online-materialien7.pdf16
Articles in popular scientific journals and newspapers
- 2011 Buntes Treiben an den Merapi-Hängen – Katastrophentourismus: Fluch oder Segen? Nicole Weydmann & Andreas Bräuninger. In: südostasien, 1:51-53.
- 2009 Die Mogelpackung – Grundlagen und Kritik der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Kristina Großmann & Nicole Weydmann. In: südostasien, 2/2009.
- 2009 Obamanie und Gazafrust – widerstrebende Impulse aus Indonesiens Bevölkerung. In: Südostasien, 1:59-61.
- 2009 Armutsbekämpfung durch Mikrokredite? Ein Blick nach Deutschland und Südostasien – ein Tagungsbericht. In: Südostasien, 1:13-16.
- 2007 Frauen in Aceh: Chancen, Möglichkeiten und Hindernisse im Transformationsprozess. Kristina Großmann & Nicole Weydmann. In: Südostasien, 4:94-95.
- 2006 Neue Willkür gegen Frauen: Kontroversen um die Umsetzung der shari’a in Indonesien. Kristina Großmann & Nicole Weydmann. In: Südostasien, 4:87.
- 2019 Hochsensibilität: Was die Wissenschaft dazu zu sagen hat. 2.11.2019. Introduction lecture at the Symposium for Sensory processing sensitivity in children – challenge and gift. Together with Prof. Margrit Schreier. Organized and invited by Nova: Lebensraum Sensibilität, Schloss Tremsbüttel
- 2017 Workshop: Fallauswahl (Sample Selection). 22.7.2017. Workshop on Qualitative Methods. Together with Prof. Margrit at the 13. Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung, Institut für Qualitative Forschung der Freien Universität Berlin. Invited by Prof. Günther Mey and Dr. Katja Mruck.
- 2016 Workshop: Fallauswahl (Sample Selection). 23.7.2016. Workshop on Qualitative Methods. Together with Prof. Margrit at the 13. Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung, Institut für Qualitative Forschung der Freien Universität Berlin. Invited by Prof. Günther Mey and Dr. Katja Mruck.
- 2013 Panelchair: Southeast Asian Concepts and Approaches of Health and Health Care – An exploration from different angles. 7th Conference of the European Association for South East Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) at the School of Social and Political Sciences –ISCSP, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- 2013 “No matter what it is, the important thing is to get healthy”: the use of alternative and traditional medicine in Indonesia. 3.Juli 2013. Presentation at the 7th Conference of the European Association for South East Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) at the School of Social and Political Sciences –ISCSP, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. Panel Southeast Asian Concepts and Approaches of Health and Health Care (Chair: Dr. Britta Galling & Nicole Weydmann
- 2011 The rediscovery of traditional herbal Jamu medicine in urban Indonesia: An exploration of the range of underlying concepts and approaches. 15.9.2011. Presentation at the Conference of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde e.V. (DGV) at the University of Vienna. Panel of the regional group on Southeast Asia of the DGV: Identität und kulturelle Kreativität in Südostasien (Chair: Prof. Guido Sprenger) • 2010 The Use of Jamu Medicine in Indonesia: Sociological, Anthropological, Psychological and Biomedical Concepts and Approaches 4.11.2010. Presentation at the International Seminar and Expo on Jamu (ISEJ 2010) at the University of Bandung in Bandung (Indonesia).
- 2010 The Use of Traditional Medicine in Indonesia: Medical, Sociological, Anthropological and Psychological Concepts and Approaches. 10.11.2010. Presentation at the World Conference on Culture, Education and Science and Colloquium (WISDOM 2010) at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta (Indonesia). Panel: Local Knowledge and Global Health.
- 2009 Gesundheits-, Krankheits- und Heilungskonzeptionen im Spiegel der wissenschaftlichen Kulturen – ein Streifzug durch die vielfältigen Perspektiven des Heilsamen. 5.12.2009. Presentation at the 22. Symposium Ethnomedizin der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnomedizin Kultur, Medizin und Psychologie im Trialog II – Anwendungen und Advocacy im interdisziplinären Arbeitsfeld Ethnologie & Medizin at the University of Heidelberg.
- 2009 Nutzungsverhalten der Komplementär- und Alternativmedizin Javas und die zu Grunde liegenden Gesundheits- und Krankheitskonzeptionen. 24. Oktober 2009, Presentation at the Symposium of the Doktorandennetzwerk Indonesien, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main.