Universität Bonn

Abteilung für Südostasienwissenschaft

01. Februar 2024

Precarious work and poor peoples’ agency. Experiences and methodological thoughts derived from a research project on work and migration Keynote: Precarious work and poor peoples’ agency

Keynote as part of the AK Labour Geography Meeting

Keynote © AK Labour Geography
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Beitreten Zoom Meeting

Meeting-ID: 615 7735 1004
Kenncode: 573199

The Arbeitskreis (AK) Labour Geography is a space for researchers working in German academia on relations of labour and space. In order to anchor perspectives, concepts and research approaches of ‚Labour Geography‘ more firmly in German-speaking geography, we have created this platform in 2020 for networking geographers and scholars from related disciplines. Together we want to discuss concepts, theories and methods of Labour Geography and develop them further against the background of current socio-economic transformation processes. For more information: https://www.ak-labourgeography.de/en/about-us/

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