Marina Rimscha

Hindi language and literature
Dalit literature and performing arts
Adivasi literature
Diversity in Indian languages and literatures
Executive editor of the YouTube channel ON PAGE ON STAGE which covers the series of events organized by the AHRC-funded initiative On Page and on Stage: Celebrating Dalit and Adivasi Literatures and Performing Arts (2020-22) as well as the webinar series Open Borders for Adivasi and Dalit literature and Performing Arts (since 2020).
Member of the Network Writing Analyzing Translating Dalit Literature.
Since 2020: Co-convener of the webinar series Open Borders, with Dr Nicole Thiara, co-director of the Postcolonial Studies Centre at Nottingham Trent University, UK, and Dr Judith Misrahi-Barak, research center EMMA at Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3.
April 2017: Hindi language expert for the Israeli Center for Libraries, Bnei Brak, Israel.
Since 2017: Ph.D. University of Bonn, Germany, South Asian Studies; Title “Text and Subtext: Narrative Techniques in Hindi Dalit Autobiographies”.
Since 2016: Research associate of Prof. Ayelet Ben Yishai in ISF project, University of Haifa.
Since 2011: Hindi lecturer, India-Indonesia Program, Hebrew University, Israel.
Jun.–Aug. 2010: Member of the organization team of the 21. ECMSAS (European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies), University of Bonn, Germany.
Feb.—Apr. 2010: Hindi teacher, intensive course, Institute for Linguistics and Philology, University of Uppsala, Sweden.
Sept. 2008: Hindi teacher, intensive course, Institute of Indology, University of Bonn, Germany.
2007–2008: Teaching and research assistant at the Institute of Indology, University of Bonn, Germany.
2007: M.A. University of Bonn, Germany, Magistra Artium in Indology, Tibetology and Comparative Studies of Religion, 2005.
2004–2005 Student assistant to Dr. Aparna Rao in DFG project “Eco Ethics of the Bishnoi in Western Rajasthan”, Institute of Ethnology, University of Cologne, Germany.
2021: “Construction of a Buddhist Identity for Dalits in Tulsi Ram’s Autobiography”. In: Das alles hier. Festschrift für Konrad Klaus zum 65. Geburtstag, U. Niklas, H. W. Wessler, P. Wyclic, S. Zimmer (Eds.), CrossAsia-eBooks, Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg. 287–299.
2018: “Beauty Lies in the Eyes of the Beholder: on Tulsiram’s Autobiography”. In: Dalit Assertion and its Space in Literature, S. K. Sonker (ed.), Yash Publishers & Distributors, Delhi: 223–237.
2013: “Selbst schuld. Unberührbarkeit im Hindu-Recht”. In: Südasien 33: Jahrgang Nr. 1, 17–20.
2011: “Doppelt verflucht. Zur Autobiografie von Kausalya Baisantri”. In: Südasien 31. Jahrgang Nr. 4: 4–7.
2008: “Candalas und Dalits, Unberührbare in Indien einst und heute3333333”. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken. Monograph. 83 pages.
2006: “Leichenzug” (German translation of the short story “Śavyātrā” by Omprakash Valmiki) co-translated with Dr. Heinz Werner Wessler and Reinhold Schein in Südasien Nr. 1/2016, 14–18.
04.06.2020: Men Without Women or Women Without Men? How Male and Female Autobiographers Treat the Other Sex (India Forum at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem).
2019: Transformation in Dalit Writing: Omprakash Valmiki’s Autobiography and Premchand (International Conference on Great Transition in India: Prospects and Challenges, Institute of Indian Studies, HUFS, Seoul, South Korea).
2016: Indian Studies in Israel (Past, Present and Future of Indology: Challenges and Prospects, Mahatma Gandhi Central University of Bihar, Motihari, India).
2016: Beauty Lies in the Eyes of the Beholder: On Tulsiram’s Autobiography (Emerging New Identities in Dalit and Tribal Literature and Society, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, India).