Eshita Binte Shirin Nazrul

Bangladeshi diaspora in Germany
Migration patterns of Bangladeshis to Germany
Immigration policy
Socio-cultural and political dynamics of Bangladeshis in Germany
Health care management
Gender discrimination
Justice delivery system in Bangladesh
Since 2020: Editor of Bilkis has a point of view (A feminist and political portal for human rights).
2015–2017: Manager for research and advocacy at the Bangladesh National Women Lawyer’s Association (Research on user survey on court performance 2015 in Bangladesh; Assessment of justice delivery system in Bangladesh; Prosecution regarding VAW cases in district level, Bangladesh and Situation analysis on paralegal work in Bangladesh).
2014: Research investigator at the Centre for HIV and AIDS, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B).
2013–2014: Monitoring and documentation officer at Nari Maitree, Bangladesh.
2012–2013: Field research officer at the International Food Policy Research Institute, Bangladesh.
2012: Research associate of consultant at Plan International Bangladesh (Qualitative research on human rights and education).
2011: Research officer, at the International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B); Research Project: “Growing up Safe and Healthy: Addressing Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Violence against Adolescent Girls and Women in Urban Bangladesh (SAFE)”.
2010: Research assistant at the James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Bangladesh (Research on menstrual regulation service in Bangladesh).
2009: Field research investigator at the Center for Policy Dialogue, Bangladesh.
2008: Junior Researcher at Research Initiative Bangladesh.
- 2011: Member of AAAJU (Anthropology Alumni Association of Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh)
Since 2019: Doctoral Researcher at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany; Working title: “Migration Patterns of Bangladeshis to Germany: Expectations, Strategies, and Realizations”.
2013–2014: Masters of Public Health in Public Health, State University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh.
2014: Academic research on knowledge on menstruation and practice of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in selected slums in Dhaka city, Bangladesh.
2009–2010: Masters of Social Science in Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
2010: Academic research on occupational health management in Bangladesh.
2004–2008: Bachelor of Social Science in Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
2008: Academic research on social and cultural impact on people living with HIV and AIDS in Bangladesh
- 2015: “Knowledge on Menstruation and Practice of Menstrual Hygiene among Adolescent Girls in Selected Slums in Dhaka City”. In: Journal of Public Health, 6(2) –7(1): 19–24, State University of Bangladesh.
- 15.04.2021: Socio-Cultural Developments and Women’s Rights in the Bangladesh Diaspora (“Bangladesh Studies – Culture, Politics, Migration”, Heidelberg University, Germany).