DAI Qi 代琦

Education and Qualifications
04 / 2023 – present Doctoral Candidate, Department of Sinology, the University of Bonn, Germany
09 / 2002 – 07 / 2005 Master of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University
09 / 1998 – 07 / 2002 Bachelor of Chinese Language and Literature, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Wuhan University
Professional Experience
- 2005 –2007 Editor of Luojia Youth, Wuhan University
Title of Research Topic: The Unfolding and Growth of Chinese New Poetry: From Chinese-translated Hymns to New Lyrics (1818-1920)
Abstract: This research focuses on Chinese translation of Western hymns and original composition of new lyrics from 1818 to 1920. It probes into the initial stage of Chinese new poetry which has long been ignored in Chinese literature researches, and the evolutionary trajectory of Chinese new poetry more reasonable and reliable than the descriptions of current researches. Besides, based on the analysis of cultural and religious conflicts between Chinese folk religions and Western Christianity in early modern China from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries, this research also reveals the underlying causes of the inevitable rift separating the modern from the traditional Chinese literature.