The mid-fourteenth century witnessed a series of crises and transformations that brought to an end the existence of Mongol Eurasia as a politically, but even more so ideologically and geographically united space. The Chinggisid rule did not disappear everywhere, but also in those areas where it persisted, old political structures often either collapsed or transformed in a way that led to the rise of new power hierarchies and ideologies. As the research of the recent decades has shown, the Chinggisid rule as well as the systemic conditions facilitated by it (interconnectedness, migratory flows, expansion of religions, cultural and intellectual exchange) significantly impacted the areas under Chinggisid control during the 13th-14th centuries in many ways, even though the exact degree and scope of this impact still remains an issue of discussion.
This workshop builds upon the international conference “Great Chinggisid Crisis: History, Context, Aftermath” in memory of Thomas T. Allsen and David O. Morgan which took place at the University of Bonn last year (11-13 May 2023), hoping that we can continue their legacy and further promote the study of Mongol Eurasia.
All are welcome!
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