Universität Bonn

Abteilung für Islamwissenschaft und Nahostsprachen

26. Juli 2022

MPIWG Fellowship granted to Prof. Dr. Bethany J. Walker MPIWG Fellowship granted to Prof. Dr. Bethany J. Walker

Prof. Dr. Bethany J. Walker
Prof. Dr. Bethany J. Walker © Barbara Frommann
Alle Bilder in Originalgröße herunterladen Der Abdruck im Zusammenhang mit der Nachricht ist kostenlos, dabei ist der angegebene Bildautor zu nennen.

With a little delay, the Department of Islamic Studies and Near Eastern Languages is pleased to announce that the departement's professor for Islamic Archaeology, Bethany J. Walker, is now a visiting Fellow in Department III of the MPIWG for a month!

Prof. Walker is studying peasant practice and agrarian strategies in medieval Palestine there as part of the Working Group “Agriculture and the Making of Sciences (1100–1700).”

For further information please visit https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/users/bwalker!

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