Universität Bonn

Abteilung für Islamwissenschaft und Nahostsprachen

28. April 2022

Congratulations: New third-party (DFG) funded project granted to Prof. Bethany J. Walker Congratulations: New third-party (DFG) funded project granted to Prof. Bethany J. Walker

Prof. Dr. Bethany J. Walker
Prof. Dr. Bethany J. Walker © Barbara Frommann
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The Department of Islamic Studies and Near Eastern Languages is very pleased to announce that the departement's professor for Islamic Archaeology, Bethany J. Walker, succesfully applied for the DFG fundend multi-disciplinary project “TERRSOC: ‘Reading’ Ancient Landscapes”.

The center of the study in this project is the excavation of the extensive Mamluk-era settlement of Khirbet Beit Loya in the Shephelah and its agricultural terraces. The project is a partnership between the Islamic Archaeology Research Unit of the University of Bonn and The Institute & Department of Archaeology TAU at Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University in Israel and runs from 2022 to 2025.

Find out more on this here!

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