BIGS-OAS Curriculum 2024-2026
BIGS-OAS Curriculum 2024-2026
1. Methods Seminar I: Surveys and Interviews [Ines Stolpe] - [21./22. February 2025] After an introduction to the topic we will jointly discuss relevant texts and individual inputs. Participants are requested to prepare a draft of a survey and/or an interview in view of their own research. Based on essentials of these methods, we are going to exchange ideas on how to deal with challenges appearing in the context of surveys and interviews.
2. Free Topic I: Cross-Border Ethnicities in Asia: Identity and Migration [Ulla Wallenböck] - [02./03. May 2025] This course explores the phenomenon of cross-border ethnicities in Asia, where cultural groups share common ethnic identities but are divided by modern state boundaries, such as the Mongols, Tibetans, and Uyghurs. The course introduces also key theoretical concepts of identity and ethnicity while shedding light on various aspects of migration, exploring how cross-border ethnic groups in Asia navigate the complexities of belonging, state power, and transnational connections.
3. Free Topic II: Asian Studies at the University of Bonn: History and development [Harald Meyer] - [30./31. May 2025] Bonn's Asian Studies are partly among the oldest on the European continent. The seminar will give an overview of the most important names and achievements. It is also planned to collect impressions in the city of Bonn around the main building (from the "Old Customs" ["Alter Zoll"] to the Botanical Garden to the Old Cemetery ["Alter Friedhof"], the meeting point will be announced). On the other hand, participants are also expected to briefly report on Asian Studies at their respective alma mater in their home country.
4. Free Topic III: The Depiction of History in South and Central Asian Text and Art development [Lewis Doney] - [20./21. June 2025] This course will contextualize the histories and the narrative art of the northern Indic, Tibetan Himalayan and Mongolian Central Asian regions in pre-modernity, paying particular attention to the cultural transfer, imaginative world building and identity formation involved. It will discuss especially Buddhist philosophical, iconographic and ritual influence on historiography, painting and sculpture in these areas. It will thereby help to think about how these issues affect our own study topics and forms of research.
5. Methods seminar II: Potentials and Dilemmas of Comparative Research: Categorical Issues, Cross-Cultural and Economic Perspectives [Ines Stolpe] - [Summer term 2025] After an introduction to the topic we will jointly discuss relevant texts and individual inputs. Participants are requested to share their questions, so we can exchange ideas on how to deal with challenges when applying comparative methods and perspectives in view of your own research.
6. Interkultureller Workshop: EAST MEETS WEST – Training interkulturelle Kommunikation und Teambuilding [Elke Spielmanns-Rome / Franca Küffer] - [16. May 2025] Der Workshop zielt darauf ab, den Dialog und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Promovierendenaus Deutschland und Südostasien zu fördern und ihre interkulturelle Handlungs- und Kommunikationskompetenz zu stärken. Im Fokus steht die Sensibilisierung für interkulturelle Unterschiede in der verbalen und nonverbalen Kommunikation, die Erfahrung, welche Faktoren die Wahrnehmung beeinflussen können sowie die Reflexion der eigenen kulturellen Prägung. Die Teilnahme ist offen für chinesische und deutsche Doktoranden, der Workshop findet in deutscher Sprache statt.
7. Free Topic IV: Travel in Tibet, and Power from Indigenous and Foreign Perspectives development [Lewis Doney / Ulla Wallenböck] - [24./25. October 2025] This course systematically compares Tibetan travel writing from the fourteenth century onwards with early modern explorer-scholar and Christian missionary travelogues describing Tibet. It also discusses what physical or cultural heritage items travellers brought or took away with them on the road, due to the privilege accorded them by these asymmetrical power structures. This includes manuscripts, deities, science, sickness, everyday objects, and exotica. Students can thus gain an understanding of how the values of different groups travelling in Asia translate differently into power both in literary and commodity appropriation.
Individual assistance: Proposal Writing - personal and individual assistance [Kristina Großmann] - [permanent] One of the biggest challenges during the PhD. phase is often to find finacial support! In light of limited public funding, the securing of sources of financial support – whether classic science-funding organisations, foundations or companies – is an important task, especially in the academic and non-profit sectors. BIGS-OAS is very pleased to be able to provide permanent support to all of you who need personal assistance. Instead of a seminar Prof. Kristina Großmann (Department of Southeast Asian Studies) offers individual help in writing proposals etc. and guides you through the application process. Please contact her directly via email!