Herr Sung Un Gang, M.A.

© Sung Un Gang
Research associate
Student advisor
Coordinator of the institute’s student exchange program
Sung Un Gang is a research associate in the Department of Korean Studies at the University of Bonn and a Ph. D. candidate in the Department of Theater and Media Culture Studies at the University of Cologne. He examines the politics of the public discourse surrounding female audiences during the colonial era. He studied German literature at the University of Bonn (M.A.) and Seoul National University (B.A.) with two grants by DAAD. He was a junior fellow at the International Center for Korean Studies at Kyujanggak Institute (2018) and a scholarship holder of a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for Humanities Cologne (2015-2018). He is producing a monthly interview podcast with queer Asians in Germany entitled “Bin ich süßsauer?”
- Proseminar zur koreanischen Geschichte (BA)
- Modernes Korea und seine Mobilität (BA)
- Methoden und Quellen der koreanischen Geschichte (MA)
- Cultural history of Korea
- Postcolonial studies
- Intersectional feminism
- K-Pop fandom and politics
- Diaspora and migration studies
- Gang, Sung Un. „Einfach ein Freigeist sein.“ [Just Be a Free Spirit]. In Goethe Institut (January 2021). https://www.goethe.de/de/kul/mol/22096871.html.
- Gang, Sung Un. “K’orona, yŏrǔm kumŏng” [Corona, A Summer Hole] In Munhak kwa sahoe haip’ǔn: K’orona apect’ǔ [Hyphen: The Supplement of Literature and Society: The Corona Affect], ed. Ch’oe Ji-in and others (Seoul: Munhak kwa chisŏng sa 2020), 183-203.
- Gang, Sung Un. “‘K’orona!’ Asiain ǔi kyŏnghŏm: bairŏsǔ ka tǔrŏnaen injong ch’abyŏl munje’“ [‘Corona!’ Experiences of Asian People: Problems of the Racism Revealed Through the Virus]. In Posǔt’ǔ k’orona sahoe: p’andemic ǔi kyŏnghŏm kwa talajin segye [The Post-Corona Society: Experiences of the Pandemic and the World That Changed], ed. Pak Ŭna (P’aju: Kǔl hang’ari 2020), 183-203.
- “COVID-19 and Challenges of the Asian Communities: A Case Study on the Online Activism on the German-Speaking Internet.” The Living, Caring, and Networking of Diaspora in the Age of Uncertainty. The BK21 Center for International Migration and Diaspora Innovative Talents. Center for Global Diaspora Studies of Chonnam National University, 01/2021.
- “From the Ugly Duckling to the Golden Goose: Yu Kil-chun’s Rediscovery of Play (Sandaehŭi) as a Profit-Making Business for the State.” Korean Intellectuals In Between: Configuring knowledge in periods of transition: Concluding Conference of the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) Overseas Leading University Project (OLUP) “Transcoding as Cultural and Social Practice.” Ruhr University Bochum, 06/2019.
- “Cinema Kiss: Challenges of the Western Romantic Films in Colonial Korea.” 8. Conference of Vereinigung für Koreaforschung (VfK). Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, 11/2018.
- “Between Spectator and Spectacle. Transformation of Women’s Spectatorship during the Chosŏn Dynasty (1392-1897).” Cambridge 2017 AHRC DTP Conference “Tradition and Transformation.” University of Cambridge, 09/2017.
- “The Test of Love. Imagination and Representation of Korea on German Stage in 1930.” Colloquium and conference “Writing Global Theatre History.” Jawahalal Nehru University, 02/2016.
- Böhm, Markus. “Wie ein bayerischer Radiosender in einen weltweiten Proteststurm geriet.“ Spiegel (26.02.2021).
https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/bts-fanproteste-der-tag-als-bayern-3-k-pop-twitter-kennenlernte-a-82ed8de7-eee6-4bc8-b718-e3b91422b097 - Radio SRF2. „Phänomen K-Pop - Warum die koreanische Boyband BTS die Welt erobert.“ Kultur-Aktualität (21.12.2020). https://www.srf.ch/kultur/musik/phaenomen-k-pop-warum-die-koreanische-boyband-bts-die-welt-erobert
- Deutschlandfunk Nova. „Das Leben der K-Pop Fans. Fansein extrem.“ AB 21 (6.11.2020).
https://www.deutschlandfunknova.de/beitrag/musik-im-k-pop-geht-die-fanliebe-ueber-das-fansein-hinaus - Deutschlandfunk Nova. „Musik-Aktien. K-Pop-Band BTS ist jetzt an der Börse.“ Hielscher oder Hase (15.10.2020). https://www.deutschlandfunknova.de/beitrag/bts-k-pop-band-an-der-boerse-aktien-sind-jetzt-erhaeltlich
- Güßgen, Florian. „Herr Gang, wie politisch sind K-Pop-Fans?“ Stern Nachgefragt (7.7.2020).
https://www.stern.de/panorama/gesellschaft/nachgefragt/podcast--stern-nachgefragt---werden-k-pop-fans-nun-politisch--9328076.html - Wallat, Johannes. „Protest via Twitter und Tiktok. Wie K-Pop-Fans Trumps Amerika aufmischen.“ NTV Wieder was gelernt (1.07.2020). https://www.n-tv.de/mediathek/audio/Wie-K-Pop-Fans-Trumps-Amerika-aufmischen-article21878505.html
- Deutschlandfunk Kultur. „Wie politisch ist die Szene? K-Pop-Fans gegen Trump.“ BREITBAND (27.06.2020). https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/k-pop-fans-gegen-trump-wie-politisch-ist-die-szene.1264.de.html?dram:article_id=479442
- Deutschlandfunk. „K-Pop-Fans unterstützen Black Lives Matter.“ CORSO (06.06.2020).https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/aktion-gegen-rassismus-k-pop-fans-unterstuetzen-black-lives.807.de.html?dram:article_id=478111
- Deutschlandfunk Nova. "Mobbingvorwürfe gegen Promis in Südkorea." Hielscher oder Haase (10.03.2021) https://www.deutschlandfunknova.de/beitrag/suedkorea-mobbingvorwuerfe-gegen-promis
- “asiatisch, schwul, feministisch.” In Korea Forum 28 (February 2021). 84-89.
- "Von hier an." A pilot episode for the multilingual podcast project by Deutschlandfunk Kultur and Goethe Institut. (22.12.2020) https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/mehrsprachige-kurzdokus-lingua-franca.3682.de.html?dram:article_id=486870.
- #Meinwanderungsland. „Drei Fragen an Sung Un Gang“ (11.05.2020) https://www.meinwanderungsland.de/drei-fragen-an-sung-un-gang/.
- Finalist. Deutschlandfunk Kultur and Goethe Institut. Ideas competition for multilingual podcasts (2021).
- Finalist. Spotify SoundUp LGBTTIQ* Podcast Workshop 2019 in Germany (2019).
- Junior Fellow. International Center for Korean Studies. Kyujanggak Institute, Seoul National University (2018).
- Doctoral fellowship. a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne (2015-2018).
- DAAD MA Fellowship (2011-2013).
- DAAD German Studies’s Institutional Partnership Grant (2009-2010).