Shireen Ellinger, M.A.

© Shireen Ellinger
Shireen Ellinger, M.A.
Research Unit of Islamic Archaeology
Brühler Str. 7
53119 Bonn
Mamluk silk production in Egypt and Syria (1250-1400).
supervised by Prof. Dr. Bethany Walker, University of Bonn, and Prof. Dr. Scott Redford, SOAS, University of London
Mamluk silks (1250-1400): an overview’, in GAO Jing and PENG Yuan (eds.), Asia and the World, Beijing (forthcoming).
- Since October 2016: University of Bonn
Degree: Ph.D. in Islamic Art and Archaeology. Topic of thesis: ‘Mamluk silk production in Egypt and Syria (1250-1400 AD)’ (supervised by Prof. Dr. Bethany Walker, University of Bonn, and Prof. Dr. Scott Redford, SOAS, University of London). - 2013–2014: School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
Degree: M.A. in History of Art and Architecture of the Islamic Middle East. Topic of thesis: ‘Mamluk helmets reconsidered: a Study of Islamic Helmets before and during the Mamluk period’ (supervised by Prof. Dr. Doris Behrens- Abouseif). - 2012–2013: School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
Degree: Postgraduate Asian Art Course Diploma (Indian, Chinese and Islamic Art). - 2009-2012: Paris-Sorbonne University (Paris IV). Degree: B.A. in History of Art and Archaeology.
April 2015- September 2016: The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art (London).
- Jan 2019 - Mar 2019: Research grant for the study of Mamluk silks at the Museum of Islamic Art and the Kunstgewerbe Museum, Berlin.
- Oct 2016 - Oct 2017: Fellowship at the Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg (Bonn).
- 2012 - 2013: Scholarship - Postgraduate Asian Art Course Diploma (SOAS).
Sept 2017: Research on Mamluk silks at the Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul. Apr 2017: Research on Mamluk helmets at the Stibbert Collection, Florence.
- Islamic Art Circle, University of York: ‘Mamluk textiles: ‘internationalism’ in Mamluk clothing’, (6 June 2019).
- Lectures on History of Islamic Art and Architecture – Studium Universale, University of Bonn, 24 April - 20 July 2018 (Bonn).
- Beijing International Doctoral Colloquium 2017, the Foreign Studies University: ‘Mamluk silk production in Egypt and Syria (1250-1400)’ (Ph.D. research project presentation), September 28- October 1, 2017 (Beijing).
- Dies Academicus, University of Bonn: ‘Mamluk silks: production and exchange in Egypt and Syria between 1250 and 1400 AD’, 17 May 2017 (Bonn).
- School of Mamluk Studies Conference: ‘Late Mamluk Helmets: innovation or inspiration?’, 11-13 May 2017, American University of Beirut (Lebanon).
- The Royal Asiatic Society: ‘Mamluk helmets (1250-1517): new perspectives’, 21 June 2016 (London).
Select courses and trainings (attended): - Technical course at the Centre International d’Etude des Textiles Anciens (CIETA), 9 - 20 April 2018 (and April 2019), Lyon.
- Workshop: ‘Dress Matters, Transcultural Perspectives on Belonging and Distinction’, Morphomata Kolleg (University of Cologne), 1 June 2017, Cologne.
- Spring School: ‘Material Culture Methods in Mamluk Studies’. The Annemarie Schimmel Center of Advanced Studies (University of Bonn), 27 - 31 March 2017.
- Spring School: ‘Environmental Methods in Mamluk and Islamic Studies’. The Annemarie Schimmel Center of Advanced Studies (University of Bonn), 14 -18 March 2016.
- The Aga Khan University: ‘Archaeology of Warfare in Muslim Cultures’. Courses included: Military Architecture and Arms and Armour. March 15 - 16 2014, London.
- Member of the CIETA (from Jan. 2019).
- Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society, London (since July 19, 2013).
- Member of the Historians of Islamic Art Association (since February 2014, with interruptions).
- Islamic Art Circle, London (since October 2012 - September 2016).
- Czech (native speaker)
- English (fluent spoken and written)
- French (fluent spoken and written)
- Arabic (advanced), Italian (intermediate)
- German (beginner)