Julia Maczuga, M.A.

© Islamic Archaeology
Julia Maczuga, M.A.
Research Unit of Islamic Archaeology
Brühler Str. 7
53119 Bonn
"Islamization and social transformation in Transjordan: the study of pre-modern Arabic graffiti in archaeological contexts"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bethany J. Walker
- Since 07/2019 PhD Studies in Islamic Archaeology, University of Bonn
09/2016 - 04/2019 MA studies in Archaelogy, University of Warsaw, Warsaw
title of thesis: "The process of Christianization of Arabis in Byzantine period" - 09/2015 - 09/2017 MA in Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw
title of thesis: "The representations of royal woman from Napatan period" - 09/2013 - 12/2013 Bachelor of Oriental Studies (speciality Arabic language), University of Warsaw, Warsaw
09/2018 - 02/2019 assistant for UNESCO students from Arabic countries, Polish Center of Mediterrean Archaelogy, Warsaw
06/2012 - 09/2012 assistant of the production in Mirafo textile factory, MIRAFO company the producer of textiles, Lódz, Poland
- Arabic epigraphy
- Christian-Muslim relationship
- monasticism in Byzantine world
- Polish Center of Mediterrean Archaeology Schoolarship, Ciro, April - May 2018 (library studies)
- Erasmus scholarship, University of Bonn, October - January 2017/2018 (Islamic Archaeology)
- Polish Center of Mediterrean Archaeology Schoolarship, Cairo, April 2017 (library studies)
- Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, Armenia, September 2014, 2015, 2016 (field work)
- Bourghiba Language School Certificate, Tunnis, June-August 2014
- Petra Deir, Jordan, November 2018 (ephigraphic studies)
- Ghazali, Sudan, February 2018, January 2017 (documentation of pictorial graffiti)
- Gonio-Apsaros, Georgia, July 2015, 2016 (participant of excavations)
- Metsamor, Armenia, September 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 (participant of excavations)
- Graphic programes (Corel Draw, Inkscape)
- File Maker Pro (for data base)
- Microsoft programmes
- Polish (Native)
- English (Fluent)
- German (Good)
- Arabic (Good)
- Russian (Good)
- Persian (Average)