Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC)
The series ‘Studies in Asian Art and Culture’ (SAAC) follows a number of aims. Contrasting with already existing publication series, the focus of SAAC is wider. In addition to books on ‘classical’ genres, such as painting, sculpture, architecture and archaeology, the series includes publications on decorative arts, jewellery, textiles, so-called ‘folk art’, lesser studied areas such as church and synagogue building in Asia, Sikh art, photography, film, installation art and new media.
A further aim is to publish new material from the cultural sciences more widely, on inter- and transdisciplinary subjects and particularly studies which combine research from the humanities and the social sciences. In terms of geographic scope, the series reflects the regional remit of the Department of Asian and Islamic Art History at the University of Bonn, and includes material from the Islamic world, from South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia and from the Himalayan and Central Asian cultural realms.
SAAC’s wide range of titles includes books for academics, students and general readers. Our publications present new material and shed light on recent discoveries of global interest, they provide fresh and original insights into well-known objects and periods and provide reference works and textbooks for students.
The books are peer reviewed, beautifully produced and written by experts in their fields. Publications are predominantly in English but manuscripts in other European languages will be considered.
New Releases

In the Footsteps of the Masters: Footprints, Feet and Shoes as Objects of Veneration in Asian, Islamic and Mediterranean Art
SAAC Series Volume 7 Julia A. B. Hegewald (ed.)
price: 139 € ISBN: 978-3-86893-332-1
More about this book. You can order a copy of this book via* or via the EB-Verlag Berlin.

Cooperation, Contribution and Contestation: The Jain Community, Colonialism and Jainological Scholarship, 1800-1950
SAAC Series Volume 6
Andrea Luithle-Hardenberg, John E. Cort and Leslie C. Orr
price: 69 €
ISBN: 978-3-86893-316-1
More about this book.
You can order a copy of this book via* or via the EB-Verlag Berlin.
* Please change the language settings in case you do not understand German.
Our publications

In the Shadow of the Golden Age: Art and Identity from Gandhara to the Modern Age
SAAC Series Volume 1
Julia A. B. Hegewald (ed.)
price: 98 €
ISBN: 978-3-86893-149-5
More about this book.

The quality of our publications are peer reviewed by a renowned international editorial board. It consists of a group of subject experts, covering the diverse fields of our series. Only manuscripts approved by at least one of our experts are selected for publication.
Should no expert for a given discipline be serving on the board at present or should our expert(s) be unable to review the manuscript in sufficient time, we will ask other specialists to undertake the review process for us.
SAAC International Editorial Board:
- Prof. Dr. Finbarr Barry Flood (New York University)
- Dr. Robert J. Del Bontà (indipendent scholar, San Francisco)
- Prof. Dr. Adam Hardy (Cardiff University)
- Prof. Dr. John Huntington (Ohio State University, Columbus)
- Prof. Dr. Susan Huntington (Ohio State University, Columbus)
- Dr. Steven Huyler (independent scholar, Maine and California)
- Dr. Patrick Krüger (Ruhr-Universität, Bochum)
- Dr. Mallica Kumbera Landrus (The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)
- Prof. Dr. Subrata K. Mitra (Institute of South Asian Studies, NUS, Singapore)
- Prof. Dr. Partha Mitter (Sussex and Oxford)
- Dr. Petra Rösch (Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst, Köln)
- Dr. Julia Shaw (UCL Institute of Archaeology, London)
- Dr. Giles H.R. Tillotson (Jaipur City Palace Museum, Jaipur)
- Prof. Dr. Melanie Trede (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg)
Former members of the Editorial Board:
- Prof. Dr. Willem Bollée, Bamberg (since 2014 / ✝ 2020)
A History of Hindu Architecture in India
Cathleen Cummings (ed.), Associate Professor of Art History at The University of Alabama at Birmingham
(will be released in 2021)
Buddhist Art (Working Title)
Susan L. Huntington (ed.), Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, the Ohio State University
(not reviewed yet)
The Enthroned Buddha in Majesty: An Iconological Study
Nicolas Revire, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, Bangkok
(accepted for publication)
Distinction and Dialogue: Jaina Art, History and Culture in Karnataka
Julia A. B. Hegewald (ed.), Department of Asian and Islamic Art History, The University of Bonn, Germany
(not reviewed yet)
We welcome manuscript submissions. Please follow our manuscript preparation guidelines (Guidelines for authors) and submission instructions below.
Submission instructions
You are welcome to contact us with book proposals but we only review completed manuscripts.
If you would like to submit a finished manuscript to SAAC please send Pdf files by email attachment (Zip file) or mail a CD/DVD or a printed paper version along with the following information, to the series editor, Prof. Julia A. B. Hegewald at the address below:
- a covering letter (please specify in your cover letter if you would like your printed manuscript/CD/DVD returned)
- a summary of your book of about 400-500 words
- your curriculum vitae including a complete list of publications
The book manuscript should include the following items:
- a table of contents
- all of the chapters as individual Pdf files
- the illustrations preferably as Tif (or Jpeg) files inclusive of copyright information
- a complete list of illustrations
- biodata of the author(s)/editor(s) and notes on contributors in edited volumes
- a glossary of specialist terms used in the book
Should your book manuscript be accepted we will also require the following items:
- a short book description of about 150 words for the book cover
- a short biographical paragraph about the editor(s) of 45-50 words for the book cover
- a longer book description of about 270 words for the webpage/publicity material
- a longer biographical paragraph about the editor(s) of about 100 words for the webpage/publicity material
- the final text version should have all the words to be included in the index marked in the proper fashion (please request guidelines if needed).
Please mail your manuscript to the following address/email address:
Prof. Dr. Julia A. B. Hegewald
Department for Asian and Islamic Art History
The University of Bonn
Adenauerallee 10
53173 Bonn
In order to publish your manuscript a publication subsidy will be required. Once we have received your complete manuscript and illustrations, we will provide you with three estimates for publishing your book (black and white, colour, or combination of the two).
Preparing Your Manuscript
Please follow the instructions listed below in order to facilitate a quick, smooth and error-free production of your book.
- Prepare your manuscript on the same system—both hardware and software—from start to finish. We accept text files in Microsoft Word format. Please also submit a Pdf version of the entire text.
- Use as little formatting as necessary. The plainer the printout, the easier it will be to edit and design your book.
- Use one font throughout. The entire manuscript will need to be converted into the Unicode font Chris SIL, which is available free of charge from the internet ( By converting the manuscript into this font yourself, you can avoid later problems with the conversion of diacritical marks.
- Please follow the instructions in our style sheet.
1. General enquiries
Prof. Dr. Julia A. B. Hegewald
Series Editor SAAC
Department for Asian and Islamic Art History
The University of Bonn
Adenauerallee 10
53173 Bonn
2. Submissions
We encourage authors to contact us by email before sending in their manuscripts. Please follow the guidelines provided in the sections ‘Submitting Manuscripts’ and ‘Authors’ Guidelines’ before submitting your manuscript to the address above.
3. Rights & Permissions
If you would like to use material published in SAAC or would like further information about translation rights, please contact EB-publishers in Berlin at the address below:
Rainer Kuhl
Jägerstraße 47
13595 Berlin
Tel.: 0049-(0)30-68977233
Fax: 0049-(0)30- 91607774
Internet: www.ebverlag.de153
4. Sales
All books from the SAAC publication series can be ordered via amazon.de444* or vie the EB-Verlag Berlin855 (or contact
* Please change the language settings in case you do not understand German.
5. Internships
If you are registered as a student at the University of Bonn and would like to do an internship (unpaid ‘Praktikum’) at SAAC, please contact Prof. Dr. Julia A. B. Hegewald (
6. Website Comments & Questions
If you have comments or questions concerning our website, please contact: